"That's Entertainment" Oil on canvas 1850 x 1500 completed 2018 |
Mike Rowland’s painting lends a rare intimacy to captured moments, and slices of local life, as well as depicting familiar urban and rural surroundings in a refreshingly positive light. His considered painterly style lends itself effortlessly to a varied array of subjects, making this solo show a must see for collectors and browsers alike.Rowland began his career in graphic design, later completing a degree from Elam School of Fine Arts, before going on to work in the field of restoration. But Rowland ultimately realised that his real desire as an artist was to observe and express emotion, and he now paints fulltime.Rowland paints in both acrylic and oil on canvas and board, and draws directly with paint. His works include detailed foreshortened streetscapes, portraits, and sometimes the artist chooses to mix fantasy with documentary. Mike has exhibited extensively in the past
A full article about Mike Rowland is linked here
Our thanks to Theresa Soquist for allowing an article from her web-site appearing here. Thank you also for the photos.
Mike Rowland's studio will be open to visitors over Labour Weekend in Helensville October 26th, 27th and 28th 2019.
Mike Rowland's studio will be open to visitors over Labour Weekend in Helensville October 26th, 27th and 28th 2019.
AITV 2019
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